What Does a Complete Lean UX Canvas Look Like?

How to kick off your teams' product discovery work successfully

I've had a lot of requests lately for a complete Lean UX canvas. There are several posts on this blog about the Lean UX Canvas including:

None of these, however, show off a complete Lean UX Canvas. Well, that drought is over. Below you'll find a canvas that I've put together for hypothetical legacy banking institution.

A complete Lean UX Canvas Example

In this example the legacy bank is concerned that new, digital-first banks are offering far better customer experiences and service along with features like cross-border banking, instant, best-rate currency conversion and basic digital management of accounts. Their current online banking product doesn't have all of these features. Those that it does feel like they were designed and built in 1998 (because they were).

Here's what a Lean UX canvas that deals with this challenge could look like:

A good start

This example gives you a sense of what's expected within each box and step of the canvas. It is not complete but combined with the articles and video listed above this will get you well on your way to using the Lean UX Canvas. As always, if you have any questions, just hit reply.

What I've been up to:

One of the ways I think about evolving and growing my business is by asking myself, "In what other ways might my work be delivered to serve new and different customers?" Obviously when COVID hit transitioning to online learning was the immediate choice. Since then though, with teams still largely distributed most of the time, the need for broader reach and perhaps more complete curriculums has showed up on my radar to the point where it's become a pattern. One of my big initiatives this fall is to put together a complete

Product Management Academy

offering. The current vision is a 10-12 week curriculum that can be delivered both with and without live instruction. It would also be available for repurposing to my clients' customers as well. If this sounds interesting to you and you'd like to learn more about this, please email me.

On the personal side, I've fallen in love with the game of Padel. If you're not familiar with it, it's a variation on racketball and tennis that is very popular in Spain, Latin America and the Middle East with a growing fanbase in the US these days as well. It's fast, social and challenges your brain to use the walls as much as any other part of the game. I think also, if you have a tiny bit of tennis experience, you can jump in and start playing very quickly.

Finally and as always, you can learn all about the workshops and keynotes I offer here. I'm now booking into late Q1 and Q2 2023.

Watch, Listen, Read

Watch: Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power -- I know everyone's watching this. Do you know why? Because it's amazing. Every episode is a mini-cinematic event. The heroes are diverse and fascinating and nothing is what it seems. As far as prequels go, this is a good one. (Amazon Prime Video).

Listen: Mother Mother -- My kids turned me on to this band a year or two ago. I just bought tickets to see them with my youngest so I'm learning the songs so that, you know, I can sing along at the show :-) I have to admit that this fusion of pop, rock and pure energy is a ton of fun. I think you'll like it too.

Read: The End of the World is Just The Beginning -- Look, this book is a cold shower. It's a punch to the face. You're not going to "enjoy" reading it but it will wake you up to the fragility of the world's economy and the various interconnected factors that threaten the current "Order" as the author puts it in the book. It's an easy read and provides solid historical context. I don't enjoy the author's writing style but the book is, overall, well written. If you're wondering what comes next in geopolitics and the global economy, this book has some big ideas. It was published about 6 months ago so it does take into account the war in Ukraine among other recent current events.

If you're interested in working together please reach out. If you're not sure what I do, here's a description.


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