OKRs, Lean UX and a Year-End Recap

What we did together in 2021 and what to look forward to in 2022

Use your remaining 2021 training budget on my OKR course

This short (75 minute) on-demand video course is made up of 16 short modules. I use short lectures, clear examples and easy exercises to train your teams in why we need to change how we set goals, how to write a great OKR statement and the challenges to watch out for as they start to implement this framework. Get a single seat, team or site license here.

Hey folks --

It’s December once again (how did that happen?). As we head into the holiday season I wanted to say THANK YOU to all of you for listening, reading, tweeting, commenting and engaging with me here with this newsletter and in various places online.

We talked about many things this year including how to become Forever Employable and how to implement Lean UX to create better collaboration across disciplines and bring your teams closer to the customer. If there was one big theme to 2021 it was Objectives and Key Results. I shared various perspectives on my experience working with companies implementing OKRs and working with and teaching many of you how to do it yourselves.

My sense is that OKRs are here to stay for a while and, I for one, am happy to see that as I do believe that, when done correctly, they are the path to organizational agility. My plan for 2022 is to take the experiences and insights from this year and put together a practical, how-to guide for OKRs. Keep an eye out for that in the new year.

I plan to continue this monthly newsletter in 2022 and while I’d like to believe I have a good sense of the themes that interest you, I’d be grateful for your thoughts on what you’d like to hear about from me. Will you share your thoughts on what you’d like to learn in 2022 here?

Looking ahead into early 2022, I plan to continue working with clients on their various product discovery, OKR and agility challenges as well, hopefully, return to an actual stage in front of actual live people for some fun, new keynotes. I’ve already signed up for one amazing event in Germany, albeit in June (fingers crossed!).

Finally, I want to wish you a happy holiday season and a healthy new year. Stay safe. Stay healthy and if there’s anything I can do to help, don’t hesitate to ask.

See you in January 2022!



New on the blog:

OKRs at Scale: How do we scale OKR's to the enterprise level? Here's one quick trick that helps.Incentives vs The Right Behavior: A quick end of year reminder that managing to outcomes is important but we cannot do it blindly without considering real world negative consequences.

Season 2 of my podcast, Forever Employable Stories is LIVE now! We've had such a tremendous response to our first 3 guests, if you haven't tuned in yet, you have to. Just click the link above and check it out.

What I'm liking at the moment:  

Listen: Spotify Wrapped 2021 told me my most listened-to artist this year was The Flaming Lips. Man, I do love that band and so in the spirit of sharing here is one of my favorite albums by them, Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots.

Watch: Invasion (Apple TV+) -- Still watching it. It's slow and plodding but it's also terrifying. In many ways it reminds me of classic X-Files episodes.

Read: The Storyteller by Dave Grohl -- Get the audiobook. Dave reads it himself and it's worth it. I'm a huge fan so it goes without saying that I'm into this autobiography. That said, Dave is humble, down to earth, real and FUNNY. I'm enjoying every minute of this recording.

(FYI, I'm now booking into Q1/Q2 2022 since 2021 is completely booked.) As always, if you want me to work directly with your company on training, coaching or workshops on the topics of organizational agility, digital transformation, product discovery and agile leadership, don’t hesitate to reach out.Like this newsletter? Forward it to a friend.


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